Before Petersime will send out the Field Service Engineer(s), FSE, for the supervision of your installation are a few conditions to be met. Coming too early will only result in a longer installation time with added 
cost, both reasons are to be avoided for all parties.

In this document will the laid-out conditions be explained in detail and what steps are to be taken before the FSE will come to site. We understand that not every hatchery installation is the same but 
most of the below is valid for most projects.

Available documents

1. Dimensions & Specifications

When the offer is turned into an Order Confirmation will the client receive for each type of incubator a document called Dimensions & Specifications. This can best be described as a passport for that specific type of incubator. It holds all relevant info such as dimensions, electrical load, needed cooling capacity, compressed air and much more.
A very important chapter in this document are the conditions to be met on floor level. A good installation and smooth running of the incubators starts with a good floor level, more details in one of the next chapters of this document. 

2. Project engineering drawings

If HVAC was purchased with the incubators, will you receive a full set of drawings that will show in detail the routing of ducting, required heating and cooling system, cabling and much more. 

These documents do show the weight of Air Handling Units (AHU), ducts and other supplied components so that the steel structure can be calculated for this hanging load or the strength of the floor to hold the weight of the machines fitted onto them.

Petersime Project Support 3

Building requirements

In the below topics do we highlight the conditions on floors and rooms before the FSE will send to your project. 

1. Hatchery Floor

Requirements and specifications for each Incubator are stated in the “Dimensions & Specifications Document” and can be requested in case you did not receive this document. This document explains the accepted tolerances on floor level and slopes for an individual incubator as well as a whole row of incubators.

If the FSE arrives on site and find through his measurements that the floor is not meeting the described floor level requirements, will he bring this info to the client with two possible scenarios before he can continue the work:

  • Client is taking full responsibility for the floor level and signs the “Floor Acceptance Document”.
  • Client is not accepting the floor and will check with his building contractor to rectify the floor levels.

It is therefore of utmost importance to have the floor checked before the Petersime technician is called to site to avoid a delay in installation and costs that it will bring.

Below is a screenshot from this Dimensions & Specifications document showing one of the required floor parameters from the chapter on floor levels.

Petersime Terms Required Floor Parameters

2. Roof and outside walls

The construction work on the roof as well as the outside walls must be fully finished prior to the arrival of the Petersime FSE. Nobody must still be working overhead on the roof to avoid injury to the people busy with the assembly of the incubators or ventilation system below.

Outside walls must also be finished for following reasons:

  • Avoid exposure to the outside elements.
  • Dust is the biggest enemy of a neat installation and long lifespan of the equipment.

Strategically placed openings in the outside walls are of course not a problem as the bigger goods must be able to enter the hatchery on their pallets.

3. Incubator rooms

The various rooms holding the incubators (Re-Store, Setter, Hatcher, Chick-Store, …) must be ready for the installation:

  • Floor levels according to the conditions described in “Dimensions & Specifications” and in chapter 3.1.
  • The room(s) is/are cleaned.
  • In case the floor needs protection from scratches and other damage is plywood placed on the coated floor.
  • Construction work such as wall tiling, siliconing of sandwich panel joints, lights fixed on the roof structure, … is all finished.

4. Technical room

The technical room is the room where the biggest AHUs are placed and is the typical location of the water tank filled with chilled water as well as where the Electrical Switch Board (ESB) for the control of the Petersime ventilation system is located.

Prior the arrival of the Petersime FSE will this room be clean and ready for the assembly and final placement of the goods. The room also must also be accessible from the outside to bring the goods by forklift inside. 

5. Utilities

Prior the start of the arrival of the Petersime FSE shall following be readily available:

  • Sufficient and stable power supply
  • Lighting in the working areas of the hatchery construction site
  • Sockets on strategic locations to be used for chargers, drills, portable lights, …

6. Goods on site

Goods have been received on site:

  • Unloaded from the trucks or containers.
  • Unpacked from their original packaging.
  • Stored away from direct sunlight, protected from rain and dust/sand free.
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