Intelligent hatchery software
Hatcheries have a wealth of valuable data available. Unlocking the potential of that data presents a major opportunity to improve the overall performance of hatcheries as well as of the entire value chain. With Eagle Trax™, Petersime offers the first intelligent hatchery software that turns data into maximum poultry performance.
Eagle Trax™ incorporates powerful modules that enable you to take control of your operations and achieve the results you want. Your hatchery will always maximize the genetic potential of each hatching egg and deliver predictable output of the most profitable day-old chicks for everybody involved in the poultry value chain.

As the nerve centre of the value chain, hatcheries have a massive amount of valuable data available. At the same time, it is notable how often that data is not being used to its fullest potential. Eagle Trax™ is Petersime’s answer: It allows you to digitize, analyse and optimally use data to advance ever more in hatchery efficiency, productivity and chick quality.

As a cloud-based Software as a Service, new functionalities and modules will be continuously added to Eagle Trax™ over time. This makes your hatchery more agile, enabling you to adapt to changing trends and needs so you can confidently meet the future challenges of the poultry industry.

Eagle Trax™ comes with the advantage of having safe access anytime, anywhere, regardless of device type or user location. The software features customizable real-time dashboards in 20 languages, ensuring an excellent user experience and increasing your hatchery’s efficiency.

What you can expect
- Truly unique cloud-based hatchery software
- Various software modules to fit the needs of your hatchery
- Powerful business analytics
- Full control, maximum security and seamless integration (ERP, SCADA, etc.)
- The option to acquire extra egg data by adding the use of OvoLogger™ to your software set-up