Intelligent incubators
At Petersime, we do not only go the extra mile to make sure the mechanical engineering and incubation technology of our incubators are as innovative as they can be. We also strongly focus on hatchery data and on the software that steers our incubators to make your hatchery more profitable and your life easier. Based on decades of incubator engineering expertise and practical hatchery experience, the X-Streamer™ brings incubator intelligence and performance to the next level.
The X-Streamer™ is the first intelligent incubator that turns data into maximum hatchery performance. It knows which eggs are on board and uses this knowledge to help you maximize incubation performance, while minimizing operational costs.
This ensures you can get the best economic return out of your hatchery; not just right now, but during its entire lifetime.

Based on information about the hatching eggs and their background, the software built into the X-Streamer™ automatically provides the correct incubation program for each specific batch of eggs. Its intelligent functions guide hatchery managers to make the best incubation decisions, while making working procedures for hatchery operators simple and error-free.

Every X-Streamer™ is equipped with Petersime’s unique Embryo-Response Incubation™ technology. By mimicking how a mother hen listens and responds to the signals of the embryo, Embryo-Response Incubation™ leads to optimum hatchability, chick quality and post-hatch performance, while also safeguarding animal welfare.

All X-Streamer™ models have been thoughtfully engineered for maximum user-friendliness, high energy efficiency and optimum biosecurity. Their long-lasting components and low maintenance needs ensure maximum uptime so you can count on your equipment 24/7/365.

What you can expect
- Built-in intelligence, big data and full traceability
- Simple, error-free working procedures for operators of all skill levels
- Maximum incubation results for chickens, turkeys and ducks
- Minimum operational costs
- Long-term economic return
Built-in intelligence for full peace of mind